We already know that smart watches have many other functions besides showing the time. Apple's new watch is even designed to detect diseases. Who knows, maybe in a few years it will replace some medical devices.
Everyday life is becoming more and more stressful. The pace is only accelerating, and the cries of how immeasurably far from perfection we are are getting louder and more persistent. That is why it is important to take care of our psychological well-being. A good month has already passed since the beginning of 2018, but there is still a lot of time ahead of us to do something for ourselves. You can start with this article: 6 Habits That Lead to Better Mental Health.
Nobody's perfect, and that's great! What a boring world it would be if we had nothing to worry about, right? However, there are quite a few habits that actually harm us and our health. The beginning of the new year is the right time to think about harmful habits and replace them with healthier ones.
It probably happens to you that you are about to go to bed, but forget to turn off the lights or close the window with blinds. In the future, you will no longer have to get up and prepare suitable conditions for sleep, because Nokia Sleep will do it for you.
In many cases, New Year's resolutions include losing weight or getting in better shape. For all those of you who will take on this project in 2018, we have prepared some supporting points that can help you along the way. The tips you need to follow if you want to lose weight will make your journey to the desired figure easier.
For most people, smell isn't just a smell—it's a memory. When you get chocolate chip cookies, think of baking in your mom's kitchen. These nostalgic ties are not mere coincidence. Our sense of smell is directly connected to the emotional center of our brain, which causes a flood of warm and fuzzy feeling with a simple sniff.
If humanity encountered a virus similar to that of 1918 (we are talking about the Spanish flu), between 20 and 100 million people would die. But the flu virus is not the only one that threatens humanity - according to the World Health Organization, 39 new diseases were discovered at the beginning of the 1980s, mostly transmitted from animals to humans. Many of the new viruses that have threatened humanity are actually 'old', as animals have been carrying them for centuries. The best example of this is the HIV virus, which is the successor of the SIV virus (Cameroon chimpanzee virus). Experts believe that the transformation of 'peaceful SIV' (non-dangerous to chimpanzees) into HIV occurred 70 years ago, when deforestation and road construction began in Africa. Let's see which are the 8 most dangerous viruses that experts call the 'horsemen of the apocalypse'.
Due to a stressful job and an overcrowded schedule, it often happens that we start to take stress as a natural part of our lives. But this is not good in the long run, as it can lead to serious health problems, hormonal imbalance and general malaise. Therefore, it is imperative that we learn to control it.
Well, we're not really surprised, right? The air in some parts of the world is so polluted that people have to walk around wearing protective masks. And when we inhale such air, we inhale poison, which first settles in the lungs, and then (obviously) continues its journey elsewhere. However, it is said to threaten fertility.
The VIRUS project (Society of Medical Students of Slovenia) invites you to an awareness campaign on World AIDS Day. This year's slogan is: Total to zero - 0 new infections, 0 AIDS, 0 discrimination.
Would you like to quit smoking but can't seem to succeed? Have you already received a thousand and one well-intentioned advice, but still you are spinning in a vicious circle? If you would like to quit smoking for good, this is the best and most reliable way, says science.
Do you know the healing effects of chestnuts?! Who doesn't love chestnuts? But if you love it just for its taste, you'll love it even more when you realize that taste is far from its only good feature. Its healing power has been known since ancient times, and many people resort to it even today due to its healing effects. And there are so many medicinal effects that the first thing you will do after reading this article is to jump into the forest or to the market and look for a chestnut recipe to your taste. Who says all the good things in life are unhealthy?! Here are 10 health benefits of chestnuts.