The VIRUS project (Society of Medical Students of Slovenia) invites you to an awareness campaign on World AIDS Day. This year's slogan is: Total to zero - 0 new infections, 0 AIDS, 0 discrimination.
Would you like to quit smoking but can't seem to succeed? Have you already received a thousand and one well-intentioned advice, but still you are spinning in a vicious circle? If you would like to quit smoking for good, this is the best and most reliable way, says science.
Do you know the healing effects of chestnuts?! Who doesn't love chestnuts? But if you love it just for its taste, you'll love it even more when you realize that taste is far from its only good feature. Its healing power has been known since ancient times, and many people resort to it even today due to its healing effects. And there are so many medicinal effects that the first thing you will do after reading this article is to jump into the forest or to the market and look for a chestnut recipe to your taste. Who says all the good things in life are unhealthy?! Here are 10 health benefits of chestnuts.
Sex is healthy! If you don't already know: sex can improve our mood and relieve pain. Understanding how sex affects our brains can improve not only our sexual interactions, but can also have other positive effects on our health. The research in development has thus already produced the first results. Here are 8 healing ways sex affects our well-being.
There is a high probability that at some point you or your loved ones have burned out at work, become depressed, exhausted, and found it very difficult to pick yourself up. According to a new study conducted at the University of Chicago, this happens to one in two people.
Diabetes is the scourge of modern society, and in the US alone, there are predictions that 5 million people will be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) by 2050. Scientists are predicting revolutionary disease prevention for the future. Namely, they discovered the possibility of preventing the onset of the disease with a vaccine.
You know that sunscreen is a must these days, right? And you know you have to reapply every 2 hours? If you still haven't taken care of (enough) sun protection, then those kisses of harmful ultraviolet rays have honestly burned you. Painful sunburns can last for days, so we can try almost anything in desperation. dr. Erin Gilbert, a dermatologist in New York, has 3 key tips for helping with burns.
We cannot imagine a morning without coffee. Even in the morning, some not even the rest of the day. Coffee is one of the constants in our lives and will remain so, even though we are occasionally served with warnings that we should be moderate with drinking coffee. Well, they're probably right. However, some studies have shown that drinking coffee can even prolong our lives.
No one wants to ever find themselves in a life-threatening situation, but they are often imminent, and it is good to know how to react quickly and correctly. We went through the first aid courses, but that was a long time ago and we probably forgot most of the procedures. Well, just knowing which number to call in an emergency is something. But as it seems, we will now also have a bracelet at our disposal, which will help us.
On the last Saturday in May, Ljubljana's Tivoli Park will once again be filled with energetic female runners from all over Slovenia. Thus, on May 27, the 12th dm run for women will take place.
Bonds are among the more fundamental medical devices. Thanks to the University of Swansea, they now have a brain. Smart dressings with 5G connectivity and the ability to monitor wound healing are expected to revolutionize healthcare. They should be available by the end of 2017.
At a time when women are 'crazy' for a perfect figure, it's good that someone reminds us from time to time that no one is perfect and that we shouldn't be ashamed of our bodies. It can be especially effective if a model, a woman who is supposed to have the perfect body, reminds us of this. Charli Howard shared a photo of her cellulite on her Instagram and reminded us that it's completely natural.