
The stars showed their true colors

Amy Adams

We are all well aware that even celebrities are only made of flesh and blood, but we often forget this because of their public image. And this is precisely what photographer Andrew H. Walker wants to remind us of with a series of photos, this time he asked world-famous actors to pose for him with 'two faces' - a public image and a personal image known only to themselves. Meet the celebrities!

They are celebrities under the watchful eye of the public and today we have a glimpse into the lives of actors, singers and reality show stars through social media profiles like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. But the question always arises - it's all just a game? Photographer Andrew H. Walker wanted to break through all the 'filters' and witty 140-line tweets and show two sides of the story, two sides of every celebrity: the public persona that she shows to the world and the inner voice that only the individual knows.

READ MORE: Celebrities who are the same age, even if it doesn't look like it

This is how Walker photographed the players at this year's event Toronto Film Festival and asked them to show two faces. His series of photographs includes 51 artists including Anne Hathaway, Richard Gere, Cynthia Nixon, Jane Lynch, Lupita Nyong'o and Jodie Foster. Despite the initial nervousness, Walker, who is well aware of how guarded the public image of celebrities is, was pleasantly surprised that the stars did not have to be asked twice to participate in a slightly different photo shoot.

Gallery - a series of photos with celebrities who showed their true colors this time

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