
Celtic horoscope: the most magical horoscope that reveals your hidden powers

The Celtic year is divided into 13 lunar months, with each month assigned an animal that has special magical properties. What are yours and what are YOU according to the Celtic horoscope?

It has been since the beginning of the world man glorified nature and included her in everyday life. And the Celts were no exception - they were watching the environment and characters, which they warned about good and evil and helped them with making decisions.

Similar to our tradition, the Celts also designed horoscope, in which there was a year divided into 13 lunar months. It is assigned to each month an animal, and its magical properties come from ancient alphabets, named Ogham script (Celtic god of poetry, also known as Hercules).

By studying the Celtic horoscope and its meaning, you can you reconnect with Nature and mythology that explain hidden meanings, related to your life.

Sacred animals are superior beings in Celtic culture, as there was a connection between tribes and animals so strong, that the Celts believed that they were certain members their communities descendants of animals or animal spirits.


DEER (December 24 to January 20)


Due to the pride, strength and elegance that it carries within itself, the deer is considered the king of the forest, which also takes on a leadership role. A person born under the sign of the deer is noble and dignified. Such a view of life comes from high ideals, noble goals and justice, which also motivates the deer. His vision is so strong that he will endure the most difficult conditions just to reach his goal. But he will still remain patient. The deer is a trusted friend, protector of the family and persons to whom he can always turn.

He gets along best with the swan and the wolf.

CAT (from January 21 to February 17)


Because of its dexterity, the cat symbolizes intellect. He explores the world around him, but still keeps to himself. Observation and open-mindedness are her objective and indispensable qualities when it comes to judgment. The cat is wise and will always offer a fresh perspective on the world. People love her for her benevolence and gentle heart. She also gives good advice, is gentle and interesting company with whom you are never bored.

Gets along best with butterfly and seahorse.

Because of its dexterity, the cat symbolizes intellect.
Because of its dexterity, the cat symbolizes intellect.

SNAKE (from February 18 to March 17)


The snake is considered a curious creature that is communicative and full of energy. She is constantly looking for new insights that will offer her a better understanding of life. She is wise and knows a lot, so she is a persuasive speaker who believes in her views. She does the things that make her happy with passion, so she knows how to motivate people. She is curious, so she does well in all situations, and her restless energy makes her extremely unpredictable. People love her charm, spontaneity and persuasiveness, as they want to turn to her whenever they need encouragement.

Gets along best with a seahorse and a horse.

THE FOX (from March 18 to April 15)


The fox is full of positive energy and intelligence, which is why it is extremely unruly. For her, life is a game that offers sweet rewards. He has a positive outlook on life and is considered a cheerful person who likes to joke. Her spirit is indestructible even in moments when life is not in her favor. She will charm you with rhetoric and positivity. She is very loyal, practical and resourceful.

It goes best with salmon and horse.

The fox is full of energy and "smarts", which is why it is unruly.
The fox is full of energy and "smarts", which is why it is unruly.

TAURUS (April 15 to May 12)


Taurus possesses innate elegance and an exceptional taste for beautiful things. He exudes a relaxed energy that comes from his stable and strong nature. You will turn to him every time you have a problem, because he will try to give reasonable and sincere advice, especially when it comes to love problems. Taurus is a trustworthy friend who knows how to keep secrets. Because he is very intuitive and sensitive, it often happens that he finds it difficult to control his emotions. He will achieve success in life through persistence.

It goes best with salmon and butterflyfish.

SEA HORSE (from May 13 to June 9)


Because of your sharp mind and resourcefulness, you want the company of a seahorse, as it is a good advisor and ally who is there for you in every situation in life. He always has creative solutions, is spontaneous, flexible, smart and has a great memory. He doesn't let people get in his way. He is responsible and independent. He likes it when people openly show him love and affection.

He gets along best with cats and snakes.

The seahorse dances the dance of life and does not allow people to hinder it.
The seahorse dances the dance of life and does not allow people to hinder it.

STRŽEK (from June 10 to July 7)


Stržek is considered a responsible person and is a good protector. He is brave and will face all challenges even when the biggest storm comes. He will always find a way to get what he deserves. Even though it is a small animal, the shrike has a strong voice - with its views and moral integrity, it will fight for all people. His open mind and positivity are the main reasons why people love him.

Gets along best with the falcon and the fox.

HORSE (from July 8 to August 4)


The majestic appearance of this noble animal is most noticeable in its authority. The horse has many talents, which he also confidently displays. He is very good at planning and tactics, and passionately fights for his goals. It is very important for him to get recognition for his efforts. He is generous to those he loves, he is also truthful and dignified.

He gets along best with the swan and the snake.

The horse has many talents, which he also confidently displays.
The horse has many talents, which he also confidently displays.

SALMON (from August 5 to September 1)


Salmon are known to have an instinct to swim upstream. A person born under this sign follows the call of their heart. Although this call may be unusual and difficult to fulfill, the salmon has a clearly defined life path. He is impulsive, so he is constantly looking for inner peace, from which many ideas are born. He inspires people with perseverance and imagination.

He gets along best with a bull and a wolf.

THE SWAN (from September 2 to September 29)


The swan is an elegant animal of aristocratic posture. And so are the personality traits of a person born under this sign. Swan has high standards and is picky. His taste is special, so he likes to swim in a circle of people who are on the same wavelength as him. He quickly integrates into a network of people, is a good organizer and stands out most in the business field. Even if some people think he is cold, there is a passion hidden inside his soul.

Gets along best with deer and horse.

Swan has high standards and is picky.
Swan has high standards and is picky.

BUTTERFLY (from September 30 to October 27)


Fragile and delicate, the butterfly is a charming creature that is unruly as it constantly flies from flower to flower. The Celtic horoscope describes him as an animal that cannot be stopped. Sociable and always in love, he is constantly looking for new content to fuel his inquisitive mind. The butterfly proves with its actions that life can be good and easy. With cheerfulness and attractiveness, he will bring joy to the lives of many people.

He gets along best with a cat and a bull.

THE WOLF (from October 28 to November 24)


The wolf is an animal that has an amazing inner strength. He is driven by the sense that things have a purpose, because he knows what he wants and is not ready to compromise. Challenges positively excite him, he is ready to fight even in situations that can be fatal for him. He is not afraid to choose the hard way, because he will do absolutely anything to prove his point of view. With him, you will feel safe and secure.

Gets along best with deer and elk.

The wolf is an animal that has an amazing inner strength.
The wolf is an animal that has an amazing inner strength.

SOKOL (from November 25 to December 23)


The Falcon takes a broad view of life, being a sharp observer who likes to rely on his instincts. He has good concentration, is penetrating and has no inhibitions, so he will do absolutely anything to achieve the goal. The Falcon is also impulsive, so it will immediately give up on a thing, person or situation that does not interest it. He values freedom and likes to impress other people.

He gets along best with the fox and the squirrel.

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