
Ceramics is a new trend!

Let's forget about the typical materials that usually form jewelry. New ideas dictate new trends. Hana Karim has just produced a new autumn collection of ceramic jewelry that will impress in black, brick and white tones. Just right for this time of year. Rings, brooches and necklaces are both geometric and somewhat...

Let's forget about the typical materials that usually form jewelry. New ideas dictate new trends. Hana Karim has just produced a new autumn collection of ceramic jewelry that will impress in black, brick and white tones. Just right for this time of year. Rings, brooches and necklaces are both geometric and somewhat ethnic. Massive and extremely noticeable. Urban!


Ika store, Ciril-Metodov trg 13, Ljubljana and Mestni trg 13, Škofja Loka. http://hanakarim.wordpress.com

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