
CES 2019: Little Cat is a treadmill that helps cats lose weight

We are not only dealing with obesity in humans, but also in animals. We are mostly to blame for the overweight of our pets, so we must make sure that they return to good physical shape as soon as possible. And with the help of a treadmill for cats, which was presented at the CES 2019, your furries will also be in shape.

A Korean startup Pet Ding it designed treadmill for cats, which is strongly reminiscent of exercise bike for hamsters, while also including some technological additions. It was put on display at the fair CES 2019.

Treadmill Little Cat can be managed with smartphone app. The owner can thus pre-select exercise program for your pet.

Little Cat helps cats lose weight.
Little Cat helps cats lose weight.

The device contains built-in lights, which attract the cat. It follows them and thus triggers turning the wheel.

The application automatically calculates cat's body mass index, and the user sets according to the collected data wheel rotation speed and amount of calories, which the cat has to burn. During exercise, you can encourage it with voice messages.

The bike works in conjunction with a smartphone app.
The bike works in conjunction with a smartphone app.

Pet Ding is of the opinion that his innovation will help improve the health of cats and at the same time make their owners happy. Little Cat will provide consumers with four color versions available from from March of this year onwards. It will be necessary to deduct just for it 1400 pounds, which calculated amounts to 1570 euros.

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