
CES 2019: Samsung Family Hub smart refrigerator, a real home assistant

CES 2019: The Samsung Family Hub smart refrigerator will now notify the app if you forget to close the door.

At the CES 2019, Samsung presented the improved Samsung Family Hub 4.0 smart refrigerator, which, according to them, is becoming an intelligent home assistant.

A South Korean company Samsung has been showing for several years smart refrigerator, of which one of one of the more interesting features is that we can use the camera in it to check from afar which foods we need to buy. The improved version of Samsung Family Hub 4.0, which we could see at CES 2019, should also become proactive, as it will notifies the Smartthings app that we forgot to close the door.

the Samsung Family Hub 4.0 smart refrigerator will now notify the app that the door is not closed.
the Samsung Family Hub 4.0 smart refrigerator will now notify the app that the door is not closed.

It also received improvements door screen, to whom it is Some time ago, Samsung dedicated the role of the central family information portal. The user system is simpler and more user-friendly, and it will also be upgraded digital assistant Bixby ‒ communication with him should be closer to 'natural language', but also to become smarter. It is known that Bixby lags behind Google Assistant and Alexa.

Simultaneously with the improved refrigerator, Samsung also introduced a washing machine that can be connected to a home wireless network. This one also has the so-called great mode of operation for faster laundry.

A Samsung washing machine that has a great mode of operation for washing clothes faster.
A Samsung washing machine that has a great mode of operation for washing clothes faster.

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