
Buoy chair for active workaholics

Buoy chair

Buoy is a very special chair made for active workaholics. It rocks, moves and turns, up and down and in all directions.

Basic information
The price

It was created by Turnstone and it sounds so very active that one doubts that anything else can be done with it or on it. At Buoy they say sitting is just the beginning.

Ergonomically designed chair, which at first glance resembles stools, the creators started creating with the idea that humans are active beings and, even if unconsciously, sitting is also active. Whether we nervously swing our leg, or move our fingers, or tap with them on the table - almost everyone does some other movement while sitting. The chair is intended for those - and there are more and more of them - who spend most of their day in sitting at the computer. Buoy makes sitting active and breaks the monotony of sitting all day long.

Buoy is a chair that is just as active as its owner, moving left and right, up and down and just about every direction. A chair can be completely customized. There are six colors to choose from – black, turquoise blue, red, white, beige and green. In addition, we can also choose the seat patterns ourselves. The height of the chair can be adjusted, it is easy to clean and carry (it weighs nine kilograms).

We welcome the idea, but how useful Buoy is in practice will have to be tested. Can you imagine working all day at the computer in a chair without a backrest?

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