
A chair made from a Boeing 737 jet engine

Chair 737

Forget the Porsche 911 office chair, the furniture brand Fallen Furniture has introduced what is probably the most dude-like chair in the world. It's a converted Boeing 737 jet engine cowling that spins on its axis, offering a leather-clad seat instead of a turbofan.

A chair made from a Boeing 737 jet engine it is a conversion and not a replica of the jet engine cover of the famous aircraft. The oversized chair is made of polished aluminum and covered in black leather.

READ MORE: Porsche 911 office chair: the closest you'll get to sitting in a Porsche!

And you thought Porsche had the coolest chair?!
And you thought Porsche had the coolest chair?!

The price chair from the jet engine of a Boeing 737 is not public, but it certainly goes to the heights like an airplane. But the price is the least of your worries. You should be more concerned about how you will chair the brand Fallen Furniture brought to the apartment or office (dimensions: 200 x 200 x 200 cm). Boeing didn't consider the width of your door when designing the engine cover.

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