
#trashtag Challenge: People around the world pick up trash to save the planet

The trashtag challenge: people around the world pick up trash to save the planet

Viral challenges tend to be fun and poke fun at certain moments in popular culture, but the #trashtag challenge is anything but fun. On the contrary, it holds up a mirror to a society that has almost destroyed planet Earth with its careless actions.

A challenge #trashtag proves that online platforms can also be used for more important projects, which benefit people from all over the world. Although this label has existed for many years, it achieved its recognition and importance a few days ago with its publication user of the Reddit website that is encouraged people, to start picking directions in their surroundings and so on contribute to a better tomorrow.

The challenge requires the individual to cleans the environment, full of garbage, and takes a photo before and after - with a visual display, he confronts people with the truth or proves to them that much nicer to live in a clean environment. And this is certainly important, because the world's households they produce more billion tons of garbage and only a few million end up in landfills, with the rest ending up in oceans.

There are people #trashtag challenge truly inspired, as they shared photos and stories of the places they cleaned on the web. We have collected some powerful photos that can serve as a source of encouragement to do the same thing - clean up your environment and your life it will changed for the better.




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