

For two days in March, Mr. Alessandro Trevisian, an expert in menswear, will advise us at Emporium in the Canali store. His experience and knowledge can be used in choosing the right model of dress in the right quality. On the first day, the fashion expert will be available between 1pm and 8pm, on the second from 10am to 4.30pm. To book...

Important information
Emporium, BTC City, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

For two days in March, Mr. Alessandro Trevisian, an expert in menswear, will advise us at Emporium in the Canali store. His experience and knowledge can be used in choosing the right model of dress in the right quality. On the first day, the fashion expert will be available between 1pm and 8pm, on the second from 10am to 4.30pm. To book an appointment, call 01 58 44 871 or subscribe to www.emporium.si.

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