
Characters from classic art paintings placed in modern spaces... and they match very well

Photomontage of artistic paintings and photographs of modern space.

We've seen the merging of traditional and modern before, but these photomontages, combining people from classic art paintings and modern spaces, will make you smile, because they're like cast.

Gabriel Nardelli Araújo he is 28 years old an artist, who created the project Canvas, in which he "liberates" famous people from classic pictures and them with help It places Photoshop in modern times. The process of creating photos is digital. Already existing works of art, to which he had access in museums, place on photos of the places he visited and photographed, and them like that combine, to create these surreal images.

They present the artist's montages new forms of appropriation of space and works of art, as it is a combination of an artistic image and a photograph of the space creates new stories about people and space compared to what we know. See what new stories have been created in picture gallery.

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