
Ana's star: Charity project All for Mulce

The charity project in cooperation with Ana Zvezdica invites you to SiTi Teater on October 8, 9 and 10, where three charity performances will be held, the purpose of which is to help socially disadvantaged children.

Important information
SiTi Theater BTC, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 €

We are probably all familiar with theater plays Mulch, photo and Old photo with Bojan Emeršič, Lado Bizovićar and Janez HočevarI rifle.

From October 8 to 10, they will be in SiTi to the Theater three performances took place, which will be in the framework Week of the child had a charitable purpose.

Proceeds from all ticket sales will go to buying food for socially vulnerable children, and in addition, food packages will be collected at the charity performances in cooperation with Anna's star, Sparom and other media sponsors.

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