
Check out what awaits you in April and May 2022?

Personality test

Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

What are your plans for spring? Will April and May bring cheer into your life or will dark and gray clouds gather over you?

Answer 9 questions honestly and find out your near future! This test reveals whether beautiful changes await you or whether you will stagnate.

Are you ready, find out what lies ahead.

1. What is your mood before the start of spring?

A. With the sun came an even better mood.
B. You are disappointed - this spring starts with negativity, loss of motivation and self-confidence.
C. You hope - you still hope to carry out the plans and face something unusual.

2. What do you expect to happen in April?

A. That you will fall in love. And it doesn't matter if it's a fleeting romance or an opportunity for a long relationship.
B. Peace. You dream of a good book and a deck chair after a difficult start to the year.
C. You want to cheer up and gain strength, you were exhausted and now you want more energy.

3. Who would you like to go on vacation with?

A. With a partner.
B. With family.
C. With friends.

4. What is currently happening in your relationship with your partner?

A. Passion reigns between you, you enjoy intimacy.
B. A series of endless conflicts and confrontations that are difficult for you.
C. Sometimes the situation is tense, but generally everything is fine.

Spring is coming, everything will be better. Photo: Pexels Pixabay

5. Can you and your partner agree on joint plans?

A. Yes, they are on the same wavelength.
B. No, he often goes about his business.
C. You think differently but try to find a compromise.

6. What will you do if you meet someone you like?

A. If you are single, you will not ask yourself unnecessary questions.
B. Nothing. You fear that you will fail in this relationship as well.
C. You will gladly smile at him, and then wait for his initiative.

7. What does your communication with your partner or potential partner look like?

A. You try to talk about everything and get to know him through conversation.
B. You are often offended and look for someone to blame for everything.
C. Pretend everything is fine.

8. Which trait of your character can spoil plans with your partner so that everything does not go as you would like?

A. Naivety.
B. A pessimistic view of life
C. Stubbornness.

9. Where would you like to travel?

A. To Sardinia. Eternal sun and clean beaches.
B. To London. Think that this place reflects the state of your soul.
C. To Nice. Have you always dreamed of visiting the Cote d'Azur?


If you have the most answers under A

You will spend the spring in a good mood, as you will achieve your goals and fulfill your old dreams. However, you will not sit idly by, you intend to surround yourself with the best company and get the most out of everyday life. You expect to find love (if you are single) or spend more time with your family (if you have a partner). This spring will bring you much joy!

Everything blooms, including your life. Photo: Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho / Unsplash

If you have the most answers under B

A stormy mood warning will be issued for you this spring. It seems like a storm is coming into your life. You have been in a bad mood for a long time. Lately it has been difficult for you, there have been problems, you have met with failures and disappointments. Until you recover and start enjoying life, there is a danger of being passive. To avoid failure and bad mood, do not try to make careless decisions and start something new recklessly. Keep your head up! It won't be easy, but you will definitely come out of this situation as a winner, even stronger.

If you have the most answers under C

In the spring, the weather will be changeable, uncertain, just like your mood. The last few months at work and at home have been really difficult. Sometimes you fell into apathy and could not always enjoy life at all. Fortunately, you had a lot of plans for the spring and this helped you cheer up and find the energy to do something, to move somewhere. At some point you will realize that now is the time to enjoy life, to be happy, satisfied and fulfilled. It's up to you to have fewer "rainy" days than "sunny" days in your life!

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