
Check what you will post on Facebook in 10 years

A look into the future on Facebook

Facebook knows a lot. It knows what you are interested in, it knows what you would like to buy before you even realize it, it knows who your (future) friends are, and much more. Also what you will post on the wall in 10 years! Curious about what you'll be publishing in a decade? Click on the article in which we reveal how you can peek into the future with Facebook.

Facebook there are many things that it is also fortune teller, but you probably didn't know until now. Well, that's kind of it, too. A special application allows us to check what we will publish on Facebook in 10 years. For the statement to be accurate, it uses many algorithms, which take into account our previous online behavior.

READ MORE: This is how people in 1900 imagined life in the year 2000

And how you look into a glass ball? You click on this link and you follow the instructions. Would you write this? Share your future statement with us on our Facebook profile.

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