
Test Your Relationship IQ: A Short Relationship Intelligence Test

Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

There is a big difference between a person's classic IQ and relational IQ. IQ in a relationship means not only knowing what the right behavior is, but also sticking to it.

All of us, especially at the beginning of a relationship, are capable of leading good, quality conversations. But how many of you have retained this quality after ten years of relationship, especially in situations where something throws you off balance?

Below is a set of questions regarding your behavior in relationships. This is not a test that aims to make sure you know the correct answer because you probably do, but to make you think after taking the test, whether you are able to act accordingly.

1. When arguing with your partner, it is best to:

a) give in for the sake of peace in the house,
b) you convince your partner even more persistently why you are right, so that he really understands your point of view,
c) listen carefully to your partner and try to see the situation through his eyes,
d) bring up similar problems from the past to explain to your partner that you do not know how to deal with such problems.

They are stronger together. Photo: Kulli Kittus / Unsplash

2. When your partner gets mad at you for something you personally don't think is right, you react by:

a) return to him in the same measure so that he feels how it is when someone talks to him like that,
b) explain to your partner that he is behaving childishly,
c) you turn around and leave,
d) you assume that there is a good reason why he is currently behaving in this way.

3. When you've done something you're not proud of, it's best to:

a) to find a suitable time to tell your partner this with the hope that he will understand,
b) keep it to yourself with the hope that your partner will never find out,
c) confide in one of your friends and see if she thinks you should tell your partner,
d) you tell your friends because they won't judge you.

4. When your feelings are hurt by something your partner has done, it's best to:

a) to tell him how angry you are,
b) say that your feelings are hurt and together with him try to find an answer why this topic is particularly sensitive for you,
c) blame your partner for upsetting you and ruining your day,
d) complain to your friends because they will understand you better than your partner will ever understand you.

5. When it's obvious that you messed something up in your relationship, it's best to:

a) to defend yourself, to prove to your partner that there was a context that caused you to behave in this way,
b) remind your partner that he has done similar things in the past,
c) partially apologize, adding that it's not all your fault,
d) approach your partner and say: "Yes, I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I think my behavior made you feel bad.”

As we mentioned earlier, the correct answers are quite clear: c, d, a, b, d.

Life can be wonderful if you trust each other and respect the values of life. Photo: William Recinos/Unsplash

However, it is more important for the quality of the partnership whether you know how to follow these correct answers in such situations. So do you know how to behave according to yours principles and values. This should be considered in all questions and tried when a controversial situation arises.

Many people achieve success in various aspects of life, but struggle with relationships.

This is why long relationships are amazing polygons, which help you become compassionate, selfless, selfless people. Ultimately, in a relationship, it is imperative that you take responsibility for yourself and your actions before you realize that the problem is with your partner.

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