
Cheeky! BASE jump into the unknown through thick clouds!

BASE jump into the unknown.

Visibility was nil, but a BASE jumper from Dubai made an uncompromising leap from the top of a 200-metre-tall Dubai skyscraper despite not being able to see the ground. Watching this clip will definitely give you sweaty hands!

You know that saying that something it comes like a bolt from the blue. This happened to random passers-by walking past one of the construction sites in Dubai, where the unknown landed BASE jumper, who threw himself into the depths from the top of a more than 200-meter skyscraper through the clouds. Yes, in Dubai the buildings are so tall that different floors have different weather!

READ MORE: Crazy BASE skydiving from the world's tallest residential building, Princess Tower

Brave or just plain stupid?
Brave or just plain stupid?

Like yes BASE jumps – that is jumping from cliffs, buildings, overhangs, aerials, bridges ... - would not by themselves represent a sufficient challenge for the jumpers, is unknown BASE jumper from Dubai with non-botician he jumped, not really knowing how far he was to the ground. What was happening under it was, as said, covered up thick clouds.

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