
Chevrolet-FNR – the sexy electric concept of the autonomous vehicle of the future

Chevrolet FNR

If the Batmobile and motorcycle from the movie Tron had a "baby", then it would probably be the Chevrolet-FNR. A sexy electric concept of an autonomous vehicle was presented at the Shanghai Motor Show, which is gaining more and more popularity. On it, many manufacturers no longer focus only on the Chinese market, but reveal their plans for the future there. Mercedes did it this year, so did Chevrolet.

Although Chevrolet already selling all-electric cars (they've already sold over 60,000 Chevy Volts, but the market remains very small), but none are nearly as polished as Chevrolet-FNR, this sexy electric autonomous vehicle concept of the future with lift-opening doors. And if the future is any indicator, (not) driving a car will be like something out of a sci-fi movie in a few years.

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Oh future, come already.
Oh future, come already.

Chevrolet-FNR is Chevrolet's vision of the car in 2020 and is the work of engineers at the Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (DUCK). But it doesn't just stand out for its own sake futuristic shapes, but also because it is about mid-size sedan and not some "dot", as we have been used to until now from this type of vehicle, i.e. completely electric and self-driving. 22nd century, welcome to the 21st.

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