
The life-size Chevrolet Lego Batmobile is made from over 300,000 Lego bricks

Chevrolet Lego Batmobile

A Lego Chevrolet is nothing new, a life-size Lego Chevrolet is. The American car brand brought a batmobile made of more than 300 thousand Lego bricks to the NAIAS 2017 auto show!

Chevrolet is at the Detroit Auto Show NAIAS 2017 presented Batmobile made of cubes Lego in natural size. Chevrolet LEGO Batmobile they made from 344,187 Lego bricks 17 colors and spent more than 1833 hrs, and another 22 were "devoured" by design.

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The car that inspired it batmobile from The LEGO Batman Movie, measures in length 5.2 meters, 2.1 meters high and 2.7 meters wide. It was created in collaboration with Detroit students (Cody Rouge Community).

Gallery – Chevrolet Lego Batmobile:

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