

Goodness from Asia Chickpeas originate from Asia, but today they are mostly grown and used in Turkey, Mexico and India. The fruit of this legume contains one to three seeds, slightly larger than a pea. According to some classifications, chickpeas should be divided into Desi (with smaller, darker seeds and...

Goodness from Asia

Chickpeas originate from Asia, but today they are mostly grown and used in Turkey, Mexico and India. The fruit of this legume contains one to three seeds, slightly larger than a pea. According to some classifications, the chickpea should be divided into Desi (with smaller, darker seeds and a stronger coat, mostly grown in Ethiopia, Mexico and Iran) and Kabuli (lighter, larger seeds with a thinner coat, mostly grown in southern Europe, northern Africa, Afghanistan and Chile), the latter is most often available already cooked in cans. We rarely use dried chickpeas, we have to soak them in water the day before use and cook them before use. It is good to know that the chickpeas are not overcooked. Chickpeas are a rich legume, containing calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, beta-carotene and a lot of folic acid. It is a source of vegetable protein, cleanses the digestive system and stimulates kidney function, improves spleen function and acts as a water drainage agent.


Chickpeas on a plate

Chickpeas are extremely popular among vegetarians, we offer them as the main protein dish or use them as an addition in stews, vegetable soups, stews, salads... It can be used almost everywhere instead of beans. Cooked chickpeas, chopped onion, celery, egg, yogurt, chopped parsley and garlic are used to form patties that can be grilled (roll them in breadcrumbs beforehand). Chickpeas can be used to prepare various spreads and cold dishes: add canned sardines, chopped parsley and chopped garlic to cooked chickpeas and blend everything together in a blender. Season with salt and pepper and serve with toasted bread. Only roasted and salted chickpeas are offered instead of salty snacks, falafel can be made from it, and it is fermented to get an alcoholic drink similar to sake. Ground chickpeas can be used to make a special type of flour or to prepare hummus (a mixture of chickpea puree, olive oil, garlic, tahini - sesame paste and lemon juice), it is also indispensable in the preparation of curry. Chickpeas can be used to enrich pasta (an excellent combination is chickpeas with olive oil, feta and fresh oregano), risottos (a combination of chickpeas with tomato sauce, curry and walnuts)...

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