
Chinese houses that resist progress

The Chinese House in Wenling City stands in the middle of the road

Do you love modern houses? Some Chinese still can't see them. Here are 15 Chinese houses whose owners are resisting the progress growing around them.

Some houses are built out of necessity, others for aesthetics, and still others are still standing purely out of protest. At least this is the case in China, where we find so-called “nail houses”, houses whose proud owners resist the progress that is growing in their immediate vicinity. Owners of old houses are fighting back ambitious offers construction companies, because they don't even want to hear their high-flying ideas about changing the neighborhood and demolishing their beloved homes. In 2007, the Chinese authorities passed a law that protects homeowners from the demolition of their homes, but the conflict still remains.

In the gallery, take a look at photos of Chinese houses, which, wedged into modern infrastructure, look downright bizarre.

READ MORE: A warehouse renovated into a modern apartment with a sunken interior terrace

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