
Chocolate as a cure for coughs and sore throats!

Chocolate as a cough medicine

Do you have a sore throat? Do you have a dry cough? Instead of lozenges and syrup, reach for a piece of chocolate. It sounds strange, but this is what research from the University of Hull (Great Britain) found, which showed that a piece of dark chocolate helps more with a dry cough and sore throat than over-the-counter medicines! The patients who took the medicine with cocoa extract recovered faster than those who took the cough syrup. As if we needed another reason to enjoy chocolate!

Chocolate it is often a comfort to us, but hardly anyone would think of it with cough and sore throat. But it is with chocolate that you can cure both a dry cough and a sore throat. That's what he notes research at Imperial College London, in which they made their way to the realization that chocolate contains the alkaloid theobromine (cocoa extract). This prevents unwanted operation vagus nerve, whose inappropriate reaction is also coughing, better than codeine, which is mostly used by medicines (especially syrups). In addition, it has chocolate denser structure than cough medicines, so it makes a better protective layer in the throat and, as a result, better mitigates and calms the cough faster.

READ MORE: Recipe: The best chocolate fondues

Chocolate as an effective remedy against cough and sore throat.
Chocolate as an effective remedy against cough and sore throat.

So the next time you have a scratchy throat and a cough, don't walk to the pharmacy, but rather pop into the grocery store to pick up a tablet dark chocolate. The advice comes from Professor Alyn Morice, an expert on pulmonology and Heads of Cardiovascular and Pulmonology Studies at the University of Hull; this one tested the effects of chocolate for 14 days on patients who They took 1000 milligrams of theobromine twice a day. For comparison, a bar of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa contains 1350 milligrams these substances. This even surpassed codeine, a substance that is the main weapon in syrups in the fight against cough, but can cause drowsiness and fatigue, while dark chocolate has no negative side effects. Quite the opposite.

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