
Christian Richter: extraordinary photographs of abandoned buildings

Abandoned buildings across Europe.

Every city has them, namely abandoned buildings. Those sad images that decay before the eyes of the public. Houses of spirits. Nevertheless, there is something magical in this decay, rotting and reeking of the building's "corpse". And even if the ravages of time siphon the juices of life from them, life, energy, and above all stories still flow in them. These, told by abandoned and decaying buildings scattered across Europe, are documented by Christian Richter.

Old abandoned buildings they have their own charm. Because even when life (read people) leaves them, it never really leaves. They remain a document of time, the walls of the storyteller, which is perfectly reflected in the photographs she has throughout Europe caught in his lens Christian Richter. He showed that the beauty of buildings and spaces is not hidden in their perfection, but above all in their mistakes, all their "wrinkles" and other shortcomings.

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