
Cinema Park and Garage Sale in Tabor Park

Park Tabor says goodbye to this year's rainy summer in style. It's turning into a movie theater this week, and on Saturday it's hosting the last Garage Sale of the year.

Important information
Park Tabor, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Registration for tables €10 and rooms €5 (only as part of the Garage Sale)

Also this year, they will be in Tabor Park on the big screen Slovenian film hits such as Let's go on our own 2 and a documentary film You know, poet, your debt. You can also expect short and documentary films from this year's production directing students on AGRFTFrom September 16 to 19 will host Tabor Park for the last time this year Cinema park, starting at 8 p.m. Buttered popcorn and cold drinks will also be available to make your movie nights under the canopy of Tabor Park perfect. Saturday September 20 and will be held in Tabor Park for the last time this season Garage sale, where you can trade, sell and buy clothes, books, toys, sports equipment, furniture, electronic devices, records and other valuables.

There will be a place for all the things that have been gathering dust in the corners of garages, basements and attics for too long and now deserve another chance to find a new owner. In addition, also you set the price.The sale promotes recycling and solidarity towards fellow human beings and the environment, and above all a pleasant gathering in the park.

At the same time, in addition to the sale, you can also treat yourself to lunch, as masters from the inn will be cooking on site You repeat.

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