
Cinemas with jacuzzis and champagne

Have you ever dreamed of sitting in a hot jacuzzi on top of a London landmark and watching your favorite movie? Me neither.

Seven years ago there was one tub at a private party and an idea that seemed worth considering. Today there are twenty tubs, there are two movie screens in an incredible location among the highest in the city, there is a sound system that makes the experience. The sum of all these is called Hot Tub Cinema. Which connects film and entertainment in a unique way. This summer, they celebrated a year of hosting unique luxury rooftop parties - well, it's actually a cinema, but real movie buffs definitely don't go to watch movies in a jacuzzi.

Fun in the water.
Fun in the water.

"Spectators" can lease the entire mini pool or buy only an individual ticket and share the pool with other spectators. As the organizers point out, the tubs are cleaned, filled and heated before each new performance. Hot Tube Cinema is those pop-up the kind that jumps around London, across Great Britain, and right now they are preparing an international tour and gathering Australian fans. For now, it's mostly happening on the rooftops of East London. In autumn and winter, the Hot Tub Cinema moves indoors and hides from the unpredictable (London) weather.

The show is about to start.
The show is about to start.

We can also rent a swimming pool or two (or more) for a private party, and the organizers specifically suggest them for corporate events. Do you think this is a good idea? Me neither. And even watching a good movie should be an end in itself. But there is a movie to go with it and entertainment is in the foreground. Primarily, this is Hot Tub Cinema. Good fun. And we need you too.

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