
Citroën Ami: an experience with an urban electric vehicle at a speed of 45 km/h

Photo: Citroën
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It was the first week of the test vehicle rental Citroën Ami and I decided to give my niece a ride from school. I noticed my teenage niece reaching for her phone when I was driving her home from school and I didn't like the messages she was sending to her peers or how this strange vehicle could trigger such extreme emotions in her and make her so easily embarrassed.

“Come on, let's get off this road! People keep staring at us. Some are pointing and laughing. Someone just honked behind us. This is terrible. Couldn't you have come with a normal car?"

Until then, I enjoyed his difference. I thought it was a car that sparked conversations and made people laugh with its quirkiness, turning the Lego cars of our childhood into a playful reality.
Earlier that day, I looked out the window to find a group of neighbors looking at it from all angles, and a passing couple on electric scooters trying to understand what was before their eyes.

A few days ago, I drove it to a shopping center in Ljubljana and parked it in the parking garage. I was actually there for the chance to photograph him next to a huge SUV with a wheel the size of my car, but his undeniable magnetism overcame any cynicism. Men and women of all ages carrying shoes or handbags that cost almost as much as this car wanted to know more. What is it? Can I buy it? Isn't it just lovely?

Photo: Citroën

Well, it is Citroën Ami. And that you can buy it. And yes, he is cute. Or at least that's probably what everyone who had to follow me at a top speed of 45km/h on any road with a 60km/h limit thought. Were you perhaps one of them?

Ami it's not classified as a car, but rather a four-wheeler, and is Citroën's affordable zero-emissions mobility solution powered by an electric motor with an automatic transmission.
It may only be built for two, but with the battery in the floor, there's plenty of room inside and more than enough for a decent week's worth of groceries. You sit high and surrounded by windows, and while the cute "Sleeper"-inspired horizontal-hinged passenger windows only go up, visibility from the vehicle is excellent.

Photo: Citroën

Combined with the Ami's compact dimensions and impressive turning circle, this city vehicle is extremely agile, making getting around the city center a breeze, while allowing you to park in the smallest of parking spaces.

I might feel more capable and safe in my SUV, but the feeling of complete freedom that comes from sitting behind the wheel of the Ami cannot be compared to any other vehicle I've driven.

His recognizable and cheerful "little thing" is almost identical in front and back. Only by the shape of the roof and glass and the color of the lights (white at the front, red at the back) can you tell which way it is going. It is also taller than a classic sports sedan. This ensures a raised driving position, perfect for city use.
Ami is designed to be used as a second means of transport, city-friendly, with a maximum speed of 45 kilometers per hour.

Photo: Citroën

Customers can choose from six variants: the standard My Ami Ami, My Ami Color with blue, orange or gray additions, My Ami Pop and the premium My Ami Tonic. For companies operating in an urban environment, there is the My Ami Cargo option, which does not have a passenger seat and instead has a multi-layered storage compartment, increasing the loading volume to 400 liters and accommodating loads up to 1.2m in length and 140kg weight.

Photo: Citroën

Modern cars have become too big for cities, and public transportation hasn't been the same since we all got used to not spending an hour a day in close proximity to a stranger's armpit on a bus. Innovation and affordability are things that are in short supply but in high demand.

After days of driving and a few kilometers, I realized that Citroën Ami it didn't leave anyone indifferent, and if it didn't bring a smile to the face, it certainly brought a lot of interest. He definitely made me happy and brightened my day.

Author of the article: Polona Gruden, C Automobil Import doo

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