
City after work party, 26/05/2010

This time, there was a real pizza mania in Playa, as we enjoyed tasting all kinds of pizzas from the renowned Pizzeria Etna and Italian cuisine from Podutik, which is known as one of the best in Ljubljana. The afternoon gathering after work was pleasant with good drinks, food and music for which ...

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Entrance fee

V Play je tokrat vladala prava pizzomanija, saj smo uživali ob pokušini vseh vrst pizz iz priznane Pizzerije Etna in italijanske kuhinje iz Podutika, ki slovi za eno najboljših v Ljubljani. Popoldansko druženje po službi je bilo prijetno ob dobri pijači, jedači in glasbi za katero je poskrbela ekipa iz HOUSEFM, Music For Life!.

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