
City After Work Party and Bandidos forever!

Long summer evenings are ahead of us. To help us survive them, Bandidos offers us interesting flavors in a new image. Friendly hostesses will serve us Bandidos Tequila, Bandidos Ice and Bandidos Cuba libre. The bravest will also be able to get "tattoos" and remain loyal to the Bandidos forever. He will take care of the most hungry...

Important information
Playa, BTC, Šmartinska 152, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Long summer evenings are ahead of us. To help us survive them, Bandidos offers us interesting flavors in a new image. Friendly hostesses will serve us Bandidos Tequila, Bandidos Ice and Bandidos Cuba libre. The bravest will also be able to get "tattoos" and remain loyal to the Bandidos forever. The most hungry will be catered for by Tuš Catering with excellent canapés, and as always, House FM, Music For Life! will provide the background music.

Rock classic

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