
City after work party & Volkswagen Beetle

The legendary bug – the Volkswagen Beetle has taken on a new look, which definitely improves on the past in terms of seduction. On Valentine's Day, February 14, we were also able to succumb to his seduction at an urban event within the framework of City Events, where we tested his...

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Legendarni hrošč – Volkswagen Beetle si je nadel novo podobo, ki po zapeljivosti vsekakor nadgrajuje preteklo. Njegovi zapeljivosti smo lahko na valentinovo, 14. februarja, podlegli tudi mi na urbanem dogodku v okviru urbanih dogodkov City Events, kjer smo preizkusili njegove zmogljivosti na cesti in občudovali njegovo notranjost. Dogodek v Play, v ljubljanskem nakupovalnem središču BTC City, so pospremile sladkosti iz čokoladnice Cukrček in pijača dobrodošlice Absolut Berry.

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