
City Chef Cooking Academy: Picnic Mania

Spring is synonymous with grilled delicacies, hanging out with friends and enjoying the outdoors. Passing by some culinary secrets, this time, together with selected wines and the official water of the Jamnica event, we will venture into proven pleasures: čevapčiči, raznjiči, patties, baked zucchini... Certain habits are just too good. ...

Important information
Showroom BSH Home appliances - Siemens active kitchen, Litostrojska 48, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Spring is synonymous with grilled delicacies, hanging out with friends and enjoying the outdoors. Passing by some culinary secrets, this time, together with selected wines and the official water of the Jamnica event, we will venture into proven pleasures: čevapčiči, raznjiči, patties, baked zucchini... Certain habits are just too good. Price: 25 euros._

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