
CITY CHEF cooking academy: Tastes of Tuscany

Let's take our acquaintances, friends or family members to the world-famous Tuscany with the kitchen. With Kavalo's masters, we will look for inspiration in sheep's cheese (pecorino), Chianti wine, crostini... We will also prepare Florentine style steak, fruit, hazelnut and spice cakes (panforte) and almond cakes...

Important information
Showroom BSH Home appliances (Siemens active kitchen), Litostrojska 48, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Let's take our acquaintances, friends or family members to the world-famous Tuscany with the kitchen. Together with Kavalo's masters, we will look for inspiration in sheep's cheese (pecorino), Chianti wine, crostini... We will also prepare Florentine style steak, fruit, hazelnut and spice cakes (panforte) and almond cakes (cantucci).

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