
City cooking academy - an autumn fairy tale

City Magazine is starting a new season of cooking academies, with an already established line-up. Kaval's master chefs and wine master Robert Gorjak from the Belvin wine school will continue to guide us through culinary destinations in the Siemens showroom. This time we will spice up the culinary rich autumn with mushrooms, chestnuts,...

Important information
Siemens showroom, Litostrojska 48, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

City Magazine začenja novo sezono kuharskih akademij, v že utečeni zasedbi. Kavalovi kuharski mojstri in vinski mojster Robert Gorjak iz vinske šole Belvin, nas bodo še naprej vodili po kulinaričnih destinacijah v razstavnem salonu Siemens. Tokrat bomo kulinarično bogato jesen začinili z gobami, s kostanjem, bučami in drugimi dobrotami, ki so v tem času na voljo v izobilju. Za estetsko plat bodo poskrbeli še pogrinjki Egila. Vsakega udeleženca čaka še welcome drink. Prijave na www.citymagazine.si.

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