
City cooking academy - truffles

At the City Cooking Academy in May, together in the Siemens showroom, we learned the aromatic secrets of white and black tubers, which are considered pearls in the culinary world, together with a team of Kaval chefs. Zelena spoiled us with excellent natural products...

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In May City cooking academy smo skupaj v Siemens showroom ob ekipi Kaval's master chefs spoznavali aromatične skrivnosti belih in črnih gomoljev, ki štejejo za bisere v svetu kulinarike. Z izvrstnimi naravnimi izdelki nas je razvajalo Zeleno Sonce, za vinske nasvete je poskrbel gospod Robert Gorjak iz Vinske šole Belvin, and for the tablecloth Egil. Ne smemo pa pozabiti na tokratna vrhunska vina Kante, ki so sedaj na voljo v izbranih restavracijah skupine Kaval Group.


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