
City cooking academy - pasta in 1001 flavors

In the Siemens showroom, the October City cooking academy took us into the world of 1001 flavors that we conjure up with pasta and with it. With the help of Natureta, Kaval's master chefs and the Belvin Wine School, we prepared them as a warm or cold meal, as an appetizer or in a salad...

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Oktoberska City kuharska akademija nas je v razstavnem salonu Siemens peljala v svet 1001 okusa, ki ga pričaramo s testeninami in ob njih. S pomočjo Naturete, Kavalovih kuharskih mojstrov in Vinske šole Belvin smo jih pripravili kot topel ali hladen obrok, kot predjed ali v solati …

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