
City cooking academy - urban stew

On cold winter days, we often crave spoonfuls of food, but most of the time we try them with difficulty, because we think that their preparation is demanding and time-consuming. The chefs of the Angel restaurant claim exactly the opposite, and they proved it to us at the November City cooking academy. A pinch of imagination and love, ...

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V mrzlih zimskih dneh se nam velikokrat priležejo jedi na žlico, a se jih večinoma lotimo le s težavo, saj mislimo, da je njihova priprava zahtevna in dolgotrajana. Kuharski mojstri restavracije Angel trdijo ravno nasprotno in to so nam dokazali na novemberski City kuharski akademiji. Ščepec domišljije in ljubezni, ščepec pravih začimb, svežih sestavin so bili osnovni elementi odlične urbane enolončnice, zelenjavne ali mesne. Naše brbončice so ob ustvarjanju razvajala vina po izboru vinske šole Belvin, za žejo pa je poskrbela ena in edina Radenska.

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