
City Radio: connected to the world at the push of a button

City Radio; Photo: Uncrate

First you listen to the top 20 chart in Berlin, then quickly switch to the reports in Tokyo.

A special feature City Radio is that it allows you to connect with the world, no matter which side of the world you are on. The small portable radio (length: 21 cm; height: 7.26 cm; depth: 3.81 cm) is made of wood and it has 18 replaceable keys, on which the names of world-famous cities are written. When the selected key is pressed, the radio will automatically connect to the radio station of the selected city.

City Radio; Photo: Uncrate

City Radio offers a free app for your smartphone, and it connects seamlessly to your operating system Android or iOS. Users can choose from Athens, Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Havana, Istanbul, Jakarta, London, Moscow, Nairobi, New York, Paris, Rome, Sao Paulo, Sydney and Tokyo. City Radio is available for 115 US dollars.

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