
Citypark in numbers: almost 140 million people have already visited it!

City park

Last year Citypark was visited by, say and write, 9 million people! This means that every Slovene visited our largest shopping center more than four times in a year, and every resident of Ljubljana and the surrounding area at least 18 times on average! In 14 years, an incredible 140 million people have turned to it, which is almost as many as the population of Russia!

City park it is the largest shopping center in Slovenia, which can boast not only the largest number of visitors in our country when it comes to shopping centers, but also the largest number of events (in 2015 they were organized through 250, multi-day events are also expected this year). But the astonishing numbers don't end there. In its more than 125 shops and bars, last year it had a total of more than 155 million euros in turnover, cutting the figure from 2014 by two percent.

Citypark invites you every day.
Citypark invites you every day.

"We are very satisfied with this result, as we managed to achieve it despite thorough renovations. We renovated almost 30 percent of all surfaces and offered them to visitors more than 10 new and renovated stores. Among others, two of our biggest and most interesting stores, H&M and Interspar, got a new look. Our partners invested approximately 10 million euros in the renovation," commented the director of Citypark on the figures Toni Pugelj and in the same breath added that in the last four years they have renovated most of Citypark's shops and bars, which are available with state-of-the-art concepts, thereby further consolidating this mall's "trendsetter" status.

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In 2015, he brought Citypark under his umbrella seven new brands, including world names such as Pandora and Liebeskind, which did not exist in Slovenia before. The opening of three new stores with famous names is expected soon: Guess Jeans, Mango and Esprit. The store is still brand new Pepe Jeans. With this, Citypark ensures that Slovenia does not remain a gray spot in the field of fashion trends. A 14-day celebration of Citypark is currently taking place in Citypark 14th birthday, which will culminate February 12, 2016, when this largest shopping center in Slovenia will blow out its fourteenth candle (do you feel old when you hear this too?), and visitors will receive many discounts on this day, both in shops and bars.

Lego festival in Citypark.
Lego festival in Citypark.

During winter holidays will be here Lego festival, the largest exhibition of large-scale Lego sculptures.

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