
5 homemade cleaners that really work

8 homemade cleaners that really work

Why buy toxic cleaners you don't even know what they're made of when you can make homemade cleaners made from ingredients lurking in your pantry?

We probably all know that baking soda, lemon and wine vinegar work miracles. The question is how combine, that they will work as they should. The answer is below.

1. Homemade multipurpose cleaner

Homemade multipurpose cleaner
Homemade multipurpose cleaner


  • half a liter of wine vinegar
  • half a liter of water
  • lemon rind
  • rosemary

Combine the ingredients, pour them into a spray bottle, shake, and wait a week before using this homemade multipurpose cleaner for the first time. It should be used to clean dirt on clothes and carpets.

2. Homemade kitchen cleaner

Homemade kitchen cleaner
Homemade kitchen cleaner


  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 liter of lukewarm water

Combine the ingredients and use to clean kitchen counters, appliances, refrigerator and sink. Spray the solution on the surface and wipe it with a clean cloth.

3. Homemade window cleaner

Homemade window cleaner
Homemade window cleaner


  • half a liter of water
  • 120 ml of wine vinegar
  • 60 ml of alcohol 70 %
  • 2 drops of essential oil with the aroma of orange

Combine ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on a paper towel or cloth. Do not clean windows on a sunny day, as the solution will dry too quickly and leave stains.

4. Homemade cleaner for stubborn stains

Homemade cleaner for stubborn stains
Homemade cleaner for stubborn stains


  • half a lemon
  • a few tablespoons of borax/sodium borate

Dip a lemon in borax and clean the surface, then rinse with water. It is not suitable on all surfaces, such as bathtubs, porcelain, sinks, marble, granite...

5. Homemade clothes cleaner

Homemade clothes cleaner
Homemade clothes cleaner


  • 4 liters of water
  • 200 grams of washing powder
  • 250 ml bleach

In a large container (these can be stainless steel or plastic containers), mix all the ingredients. Soak the dirty garment for 20 minutes, then wash it in the machine.

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