
Be a good role model for them: these are the things children most often imitate!

Children first learn their first steps and behavior patterns from their parents and immediate surroundings, so pay attention to what you teach them!

You could say they are little children world champions in impersonation. They learn from their environment, which consists of parents and relatives, as well as television. Home is a child's first classroom, and parents are their first teachers. From the age of two, children begin to imitate their parents' actions, such as cleaning, the way they walk and talk, talking on the phone, etc., which can be seen in their play with other children. That's why girls in the game mostly they imitate their mother (cooking, taking care of the child, applying make-up...), and the boys they imitate their father (working with tools, tidying up around the house...).

Home is a child's first classroom, and parents are their first teachers.
Home is a child's first classroom, and parents are their first teachers.

Why do children imitate their parents?

Children imitate their parents or older siblings, because these are their role models and they want to be like that when they grow up. In the children's world, there are mother and father the best and the smartest. Through imitation, they learn how to relate to other people, how to talk, and thus acquire language skills and rules of behavior at home.

Imitation is not just a child's game, it is a process of forming a child's identity.

Imitation is the way children learn and you shouldn't be forced to do so. If a child imitates something bad you did, shape your behavior first. Then try to explain to the child that this is not a behavior he should imitate. If you never do it again, you will gained his trust. When a child imitates good qualities, Mrs be sure to praise and let him know you're proud. This is how his self-confidence is built.

Children are not able to recognize danger like adults, so some of them can be imitations risky (eg cooking). Make sure it is safety first and that you can thus prevent the child from imitating dangerous things.

Make sure safety comes first.
Make sure safety comes first.

And children adopt patterns of behavior also from television. Parents often allow their children to entertain themselves by watching television, but scientists believe that this is not a good way to entertain or educate them. Be careful about the content your child watches. Once he has mastered your behavioral patterns, he will imitate everything he sees on TV. Don't forbid children from television, but rather choose quality and informative content.

You are your child's first teacher, but he is your child and your teacher. It encourages you to be a better person and that you make informed decisions, and the child will consequently accept what you "serve". If you want a patient child, you have to be patient yourself. Your home is your child's first classroom, so make sure it's full of fun and educational activities that you'll be involved in!

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