
If you have one of these 10 jobs, you're more likely to get divorced

In the conducted research, it was revealed in which profession there are supposed to be the most divorces. What are you doing?

Of course, there are several factors that influence whether my partner and I will divorce. But we can't deny that money also affects marital happiness, which the partners bring into the common home and, unfortunately, is often the reason for quarrels. As a result, it depends on the job. Otherwise, this will not be reason no. 1, why should spouses divorce, but financial stability and satisfaction are still important. Statistician Nathan Yau he made research, which showed in which services he was the maximum and minimum statistical chance that the partners will divorce.

10 professions with the least chance of divorce

10. Physicians and Surgeons: 21.8 % Divorce Chances
9. Directors, religious activists and people working in education: 21.3 % chances of divorce
8. Chemical Engineers: 21.1 % separation options
7. Optometrists: 20.8 % divorce options
6. Physiotherapists: 20.7 % percent chance of divorce
5. Developers of programs, applications and system software: 20.3 % options for separation
4. People who work in religious institutions: 19.8 % chances of divorce
3. Researchers in the field of medicine and living organisms: 19.6 % separation possibilities
2. Physics researchers: 18.9 % chances of separation
1. Actuaries (insurance experts for recalculating the profitability of insurance and premiums): 17 % options for divorce

Doctors and surgeons are said to have the least chance of cheating.
Doctors and surgeons are said to have the least chance of cheating.

10 professions with the highest chance of divorce

10. Machine operators in the glass industry: 48.8 % opportunities for separation
9. People working in the textile industry: 48.9 % chances of divorce
8. Telemarketing: 49.2 % chances of divorce
7. Foundries: 49.6 % divorce chances
6. People in call centers, telephone operators: 49.7 % chances of divorce
5. Machine operators in the metal and plastic industry: 50.1 % separation options
4. People who offer services in the world of toys: 50.3 % opportunities for divorce
3. Flight attendants and flight attendants: 50.5 % divorce options
2. Waiters: 52.7 % divorce chances
1. Casino managers: 52.9 % chances of divorce

The most divorces are said to occur among casino managers.
The most divorces are said to be among casino managers.

Common reasons for divorce include…

Cheating or new love
There are also countless reasons for cheating, but basically it is that the person no longer feels belonging to the relationship, is not understood, heard or accepted, which can drive them into the arms of someone else. Of course, couples need to talk about it, because that's the only way they'll find their peace.

Spouses change as persons throughout life
People change throughout life, and sometimes it happens that our partner becomes a different person, so to speak. If we don't feel each other anymore, it's better for everyone to go their separate ways.

Divorce is often caused by physical or mental violence, humiliation, extortion, verbal abuse, beatings and other types of violence. If this is happening to you, get help right away!

The void
Sometimes spouses simply give up because they can no longer cope with life's problems or they no longer have the energy to put effort into the relationship.

Addiction is also a common cause, which can be the result of the distress of one of the partners. Instead of a conversation, he turns to e.g. drinking, drugging, becoming addicted to sex or gambling.

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