In an episode of Sex and the City, Charlotte explained to her friends that the pain after a breakup lasts half as long as they were in a relationship. If you dated for two years, you need a year to get over your ex-partner. Is this true?
At the thought that it would suffered for many years because of an ex-love, you must be giddy. But don't worry, this theory is not supposed to hold, judging by the findings research by scientists.
They found that people on average suffer three months after the breakup, regardless of how long they were in the relationship. Of the 155 participants who broke up six months ago, it is 71 %s said they felt better after just 11 weeks. Of course, each of them needed time to mourn and reflect on their own feelings.
How can you help yourself?
As scientists note, breakups aren't necessarily a bad thing, rather there are many advantages that an individual can have from being single. As they find, you will recover the fastest by doing so you grow personally. The secret to recovery is to do whatever can help you, yes you lose your mind. Because it will definitely help you at the end of the day.
This was also confirmed in a similar study interesting experiments, in which the participants evaluated level of own emotional the pain of looking at a photo of an ex-love. Scientists are helping them substances relieve this pain.
They proved that if people believe that a certain thing will help them with an aching heart, it will really help them. This same thing can also help them to they begin to realize the positive facts of the breakup, that this one has for them... and so they start looking optimistically at the divorce.
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