
Love yourself: you must never do it for a man

Love yourself: you must never do it for a man

A man is an important part of every woman's life, but that doesn't mean he has to do everything for him - think before you decide to change your partner's whim.

There are many things that a woman should never do for a man, but the rule also applies the other way around: men should not change just for the sake of their partner either! We are not talking about whether they will grow personally - it is a dream, goals, ambitions, changing appearance, abandoning society...

You all deserve to be happy, that's why resist the changes that cause you dissatisfaction and make you unhappy. Because they are just a whim of a partner...

You should not do this for a man:

Abandoning dreams and goals

Your goals and dreams are an important part of your personality because they guide you, motivate you, and make you happy. If your partner is directly (or indirectly) indicating that the time to pursue your dreams has long passed and it's high time you got down to earth, it may be time to reconsider whether you want to be with someone who doesn't believe in you.

Doing something that doesn't agree with your thinking.

Never let someone make fun of you for your beliefs - you deserve respect no matter what, even if the difference between your thinking and your partner's thinking is obvious. These differences are an integral part of a couple's daily life and will never be a problem if you are in a relationship with a man who respects your thoughts.

Change the appearance only if you want to.
Change the appearance only if you want to.

Changing appearance

He prefers brunettes, so you're thinking of dyeing your hair. He told you that you are overweight, so now you will lose weight. These are all love 'offenses' that you shouldn't tolerate - any change you make to your appearance should be your personal preference, not the preference of a person who thinks you're not good enough for them.

Lowering standards

You know what you want and what you need, and stick to it. Don't stay in a relationship that doesn't satisfy you. Don't settle for a man who isn't good enough for you.

Ignoring friends

Don't be one of those women who completely forgets about their friends when a man asks - don't neglect your company and find time to hang out with them too. This company was part of your life before your partner.

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