
What compliments should men not give to women?

When it comes to flattering a woman, some men are total incompetents! In order to at least make things a little better, we've collected some well-intentioned comments from women on some of the compliments, please stop giving them!

What compliments men should not give:

Compliment in style 'you are sexy ... for your age' or 'you're quite smart for a woman'...

Compliment in style 'you're beautiful without glasses', awarded to a woman who regularly wears glasses.

Compliment a large bust in style 'I have to tell you that you have really big breasts'. No, really?

Compliment to redheads, brunettes, blondes that they only like this hair color, so a style compliment 'I only date blondes'.

Compliment in style 'Why don't you laugh? I bet you're pretty when you smile.'

READ MORE: What men's clothing do women dislike?

Some compliments are unacceptable.
Some compliments are unacceptable.

Compliment in style 'I want to be with you because you are not like others'. While the intention is good and they probably want to say that we have a unique personality and that we're just cool, this compliment makes it feel like they've written off the entire female population. And we can ask why.

When a woman comes out and shows how smart she is, followed by a compliment to her appearance.

Any kind compliment on body weight. Especially when a woman loses weight for health reasons and men compliment her new 'perfect' figure.

Compliment in style 'looking exotic'. As soon as they sexualize ethnicity, they can turn women away from them.

A real man knows what compliments to give women.
A real man knows what compliments to give women.

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