
Where will a man look at you first if he is interested and attracted to you?

Science has discovered that there is a fairly quick and simple way to tell if a man is interested in you or not.

What do you think a man notices about you first? Is it the butt, is it the lips, or is it the breast? Well, scientists from Wellesley College and the University of Kansas have come to an important realization. For the purpose research over 100 students were asked to look at a photograph of a man and a photograph of a woman. They then had to say whether they imagined a certain person as a potential friend or whether they could even enter into a romantic or sexual relationship with him. In doing so, scientists paid particular attention to where survey participants look first. This could help discover how they experience the person they see in the photo.

The results showed that men who they look the woman in the face, they have nothing but a friendly interest in her. A if they are interested in a woman, they first look at her... breasts and hips! That sounds like a complete cliché, don't you agree? But men should not be too quick to judge. The results are just a confirmation of previous evolutionary research, which showed that they are primarily "Promoks". focused attention on the woman's body. In this way, they could judge whether she would be able to produce offspring.

Men first look at the chest and hips of a woman they are attracted to.
Men first look at the chest and hips of a woman they are attracted to.

Staring at women's breasts may help men live longer

There is some "evidence" that staring at women's breasts might help men live longer. A study from 2012, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, investigated the effects of positive thinking on the length of life in men. And women's breasts are said to be one of the positive factors in men's lives (although not all scientists are completely convinced of this). Another one German study she discovered that she could 10 minutes of staring at women's breasts per day positive impact on men's cardiovascular health. All this is OK, if of course the woman on the other side allows it. Otherwise, it may happen that staring at a woman's breast will honestly shorten a man's life. 🙂

10 minutes of staring at women's breasts a day... washes all men's worries away.
10 minutes of staring at women's breasts a day... washes all men's worries away.

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