
Beauty secrets of Marilyn Monroe

We present the beauty secrets of one of the most famous beauty icons of all time – Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe is years 1952 for an American magazine Pageant answered some questions that touched on the topic of body care and dietary habits. The world-famous lady, who marked her 50th birthday, revealed quite a few surprising interesting facts to the magazine's readers.

Marilyn left outdoor sports to the men.
Marilyn left outdoor sports to the men.

Marylin loved long mornings, especially Sunday mornings, when she could afford to wake up for two hours. She slept in a large bed, with only one cover and always completely naked, as she hated obstructing pajamas and negligees.

Marylin loved long leisurely mornings.
Marylin loved long leisurely mornings.

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The beauty got 5 to 10 hours of sleep every day, followed by brushing her teeth and face. In the morning, in the privacy of her bedroom, she also did the obligatory exercise, as she hated outdoor sports and preferred to leave them to the men. She also refused excessive exposure to the sun, which was extremely popular in California at the time, and preferred to nurture her porcelain skin, as she was only satisfied if she felt "blonde" all over her body.

Marilyn used the sun's rays only on set.
Marilyn used the sun's rays only on set.

Her eating habits were rather bizarre, and her meals consisted mainly of protein. In the morning, she mixed two eggs into warm milk and drank the drink while putting on her make-up, and washed down a multivitamin tablet with it every day. For dinner, she usually had a steak and four raw carrots. She occasionally spiced up her simple diet with a sweet indulgence, Wil Wright's signature ice cream, which she adored.

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