
Love has its limit: its name is DIGNITY

Love has its limit: its name is DIGNITY

Dignity is and always will be the recognition that each of us deserves the best. And we must never allow ourselves to lose it to anyone!

Love will always have its limit. And her name is DIGNITY – this respect that people have for themselves, he has high price, and will never accept a love that doesn't love us fulfills and no the work of better people.

Chilean poet and diplomat Pablo Neruda once said that it is love is short, but hard to forget. And even if there is a lot of truth in his words, sometimes there is no better solution than yes let's forget about our feelings, to finally remember what is really worth. We must not beg for love, and we must not lose our pride and dignity!

We must not beg for love, and we must not lose our pride and dignity!
We must not beg for love, and we must not lose our pride and dignity!

We often hear that the ego feeds our pride and the spirit of our dignity. And these two dimensions are a part of our emotions, so they often confuse us. Pride is a man's enemy that we know well and is related to ours love for ourselves. However, he also goes a step further: he is like an architect who builds walls and weaves barbed wire into them relationships with other people.
And even if at first glance it seems that pride is synonymous with strong personality, usually hides somewhere in the depths of us extremely low self-esteeme. The latter is the key to protecting ourselves, not hurting others.

  • We need to set a boundary in emotional relationships. We are not responsible for answering every single problem our partner has, nor do we have to shut down just so our partner can shine.
  • We feel love and build it every day. If we find that there is no such thing in the relationship, there is no point in persisting. Because a miracle is just a fiction. Courageously admit the truth to yourself, because this is the only way you will avoid situations that could be destructive.
  • Love must not be blind. Even if some defend this idea, we must remember that it is much better to offer our heart to someone, but at the same time we remain open-eyed, big-hearted and strong in dignity. That's the way we will be form dignified relationships, which are worth the effort because they will be based on respect, not power and playing the victim.
It is better to be alone with dignity than to live in an imperfect relationship.
It is better to be alone with dignity than to live in an imperfect relationship.

Dignity is and always will be the recognition that each of us deserves the best. It is better to be alone with dignity than to live in an imperfect relationship. And we must never allow ourselves to lose it to anyone!

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