
Love for life or adventure: 3 signs that reveal what kind of relationship you are in

Love for life or adventure: 3 signs that reveal what kind of relationship you are in

Don't waste your time with a person who only sees you as a passing adventure and will forget you quickly, and your heart will be broken into 1000 pieces. Protect yourself from pain and find out which signs reveal what kind of relationship you are in!

Love is so simple, yes it often becomes quantum physics, which even the greatest seducers do not understand. Just ask yourself, how do you know if the person you're dating is a soulmate or just an adventure that will break your heart? The biggest yet theorists about love have not found a recipe! Your mind may tell you that the person does not have a single characteristic of "marriage material", but your heart does not want to resist it in any way. Why is this happening to you?

If you feel that SOMETHING IS MISSING in your relationship, but you can't figure out what it is, you need to understand that all people go through thick and thin before they find the love of a lifetime. It is quite possible that you also think that he is your loved one at this moment FATAL ... but its purpose is completely different. And you can recognize this from of some characters!

3 signs that reveal what kind of relationship you are in...

They have nothing to talk about.

Although it sounds ridiculous that such a bizarre thing could speak about your relationship, it is unfortunately extremely important. Man is made to communicate and if you have nothing to talk about, what else are you doing together?
Do you think it will get better over time? It probably won't, because the wavelength mixes the particles! For a successful relationship, even if it sounds harsh, they must be on the same wavelength, have the same understanding, intellectual and life breadth to be able to catching up with each other.

You cannot be committed to a person who does not challenge you intellectually. And we're not talking about having to talk about quantum physics, we're talking about having to feel things in the same way.

They have nothing to talk about.
They have nothing to talk about.

Other things in your life suffer because of this person.

It is quite clear that you will be completely in love obsessed with a loved one, but even then there must be a certain tolerance. Do you think it's healthy that all other things suffer because of the person you like so much? If you notice that you have forgotten about your career, friends, family and other important parts of your life because of your loved one, ask yourself what good does a relationship with this person even bring you?.

V the person will encourage you to have a healthy relationship, that you fight, strive and succeed, because living from love is NO YES, even if at this moment you may think that this is entirely possible.

They don't talk about the future.
They don't talk about the future.

They don't talk about the future.

What a healthy relationship is based on - plans for the future. If the person perceives you as a temporary adventure, you he does not see in his future. It is important that they know what they believe in, where they see each other and what they want. In this way, you will avoid problems that could arise later... in the marriage.
If there are no conversations about the future between you, despite the fact that you started them countless times, but did not get an answer, consider that the person maybe pulling his nose!

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