
The most amazing finds of forgotten classics that sold for millions

There are many warehouses, garages, barns and other buildings in the world that hide some gem of the automotive world. Every now and then we hear about a discovery that stuns the world. Wondering which automotive gems have garnered the most interest?

There are many reasons that lead to it being on some cars easily forget it. But they all have it in common enthusiasm, which is reaped upon rediscovery. Most of the cars found have already become during the time they were hidden from the world the classics.

The enthusiasm for them is all the greater when they are discovered, if they are any rare model does he have a car behind him interesting the story. Most of such finds are not in good condition and require thorough care restoration. In some cases, the prices are bargains dizzy and so it is not surprising that we are still interested in which ones they are most exciting discoveries in the automotive world.

The most amazing finds of forgotten cars…

1. 1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 MK II Coupe

1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 MK II Coupe
1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 MK II Coupe

Aston Martin DB2/4 MK II Coupe was already a rare example of the car at the time of production, and they only produced it 15/16 specimens. Of that, there were 6 intended for export. Finally, it landed in the hands of an American engineer who, at the age of 20, is a car for 40 years put it in the garage. In June 2018, despite its poor condition, it was sold for just 252,166 euros.

2. 1981 BMW M1

1981 BMW M1

BMW M1 have been produced since 1978 and is considered to be the first German supercar. As a rule, they are well cared for, but at least one specimen met a different fate. In the south of Italy, it was left to the test of time only a year after it was made. After 34 years old it was found under a thick layer of dust and other dirt. After a thorough renovation, they managed to sell it more than one million euros.

3. 1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atlanta Coupe

1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atlanta Coupe
1937 Bugatti Type 57S Atlanta Coupe

The longer a car is forgotten, the more likely it will be consigned to history forever. This makes the excitement all the greater when a car is rediscovered after a long time. Bugatti Type 57S Atlanta Coupe just such a story happened, it was discovered in 1960 and then forgotten about again until 2009 when it was sent to auction. The Atlante Coupe is considered one of the most beautiful cars of all time, and it was only made 17 specimens. They bought it at the auction 3,833,751 US dollars.

4. 1939 Citroen 2CV Prototypes

1939 Citroen 2CV Prototypes
1939 Citroen 2CV Prototypes

The history of the Citroen brand dates back to 1919, and they produced one of the most popular cars in the world at the time - Citroen 2CV. It was introduced to the public years ago 1948 and made it until the year 1990. But by chance, the prototypes of the 'sleeper' were preserved. They exist two stories, in the first they were hidden from the advancing German army during World War 2, and in the second version, the workers rebelled against the factory management and hid them when only they ordered them to get rid of the prototypes.

5. 1969 Dodge Daytona Charger

1969 Dodge Daytona Charger
1969 Dodge Daytona Charger

The concerned Dodge Daytona Charger he was hiding out on a farm in the middle of Alabama. It was in near mint condition...no rust or signs of corrosion. They only did 502 instances, and one of them is years old 1972 bought by an 18 year old for 1800 US dollars. He drove it for a while and then forgot about it. After its rediscovery, it was sent to auction with a starting price between 150,000 and 180,000 US dollars.

6. 1949 Ferrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta

1949 Ferrari 166MM Touring Barchetta
1949 Ferrari 166MM Touring Barchetta

Ferrari has an outstanding collection of cars in its ranks. He is also one of them Ferrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta, with which Enzo Ferrari began to build his empire. One of the 25 copies ended up in Switzerland and was then transported to California. It was used for a while before it broke down. Then a passer-by bought it for million US dollars. Later, the Ferrari underwent a thorough restoration, during which further startling facts were discovered. The car is a participant in several famous races, including Le Mans, and it was driven by none other than Juan Manuel Fangio, the famous Argentine racer.

7. 1966 Ferrari 275 GTB Long Nose Alloy

1966 Ferrari 275 GTB Long Nose Alloy
1966 Ferrari 275 GTB Long Nose Alloy

This time's find Ferrari 275 GTB Long Nose Alloy was found together with another exceptional Shelby 427 Cobra from 1967. The owner of both trusted only one mechanic who had a tragic accident with the engine. So they waited for better times to rediscover them. After the discovery, the Ferrari was sold for 2,530,000 US dollars.

8. 1969 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 'Daytona'

1969 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 'Daytona'
1969 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 'Daytona'

Ferrari 365 GTB/4 was made in 1200 copies, but of that only 5 according to specifications 24 Hours of Daytona. Of these five, he was only one aluminum 'Daytona' Ferrari legally converted for road use. Then he found himself in a Japanese garage, where he was waiting for more 40 years. At this time he almost hit him mythological farewell, and some were already convinced that the car did not exist at all. After its rediscovery, it made a pilgrimage to an auction, where it was sold for 2.2 million US dollars.

9. 1974 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS

1974 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS
1974 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS

Ferrari Dino in itself it was nothing special, among Ferraris of course. The cheaper version of the Ferrari Dino nevertheless became a kind of holy grail among car collectors. But the story of Dino in question is even more bizarre. It was not found in a barn or an abandoned garage, but in a backyard in Los Angeles, buried under a pile of earth.

It was a car stolen and then buried, carefully wrapped in plastic foil. The thieves had a more than obvious intention to dig up the car when the theft was heard lay down. Unfortunately, they were overtaken by the curious children, who unearthed the car for them. A mysterious case of car theft they have not been resolved to this day.

10. 1968 Ford Mustang 'Bullitt'

Ford Mustang 'Bullitt'
1968 Ford Mustang 'Bullitt'

Among the cars from the movie screen, it is certainly one of the bigger ones roles played Ford Mustang in the movie Bullitt. He was sitting behind the wheel Steve McQueen, and they had available for the needs of the film two Mustang. One was during filming almost destroyed, but instead of a press, he found his way to a Mexican workshop. The second one changed quite a few owners during that time and ended up in the hands of Bob Kiernan from New Jersey. Steve McQueen wanted to redeem the car back, but the then owner was not convinced. Today it is owned by Bob's son, which he does not want to sell, despite hefty offers from Steve's son and other interested buyers.

11. 1969 Lamborghini Miura S

1969 Lamborghini Miura S
1969 Lamborghini Miura S

Lamborghini Miura represents one of Lamborghini's most popular classics. In fact, most of the built Miuras still in excellent condition, in the private collections of collectors, rock stars and other celebrities. The story of the Miura in question is different. It was found among private ads for the sale of cars, and the buyer, who had no idea what he had, sold it as Lamborghini Aventador. As we know, the Aventador is one of the current ones versions of car bulls. It was cleaned and transported to Miami, more precisely to a museum Lou La Vie, where he remained until today.

12. Land Rover Series 1 Prototype

Land Rover Series 1 Prototype
Land Rover Series 1 Prototype

It is officially the first generation Land Rover presented years 1948 in Amsterdam. But as usual, they made something before that prototypical specimens. He became one of them by some accident by road legal car and disappeared into 60s of the last century. It was rediscovered 70 years after its manufacture. It was discovered by accident by people working at Jaguar Land Rover. It is now in the hands of Jaguar Land Rover Classic Work, where they will be restored to detail.

13. Mercedes-Benz 190SL

Mercedes-Benz 190SL
Mercedes-Benz 190SL

Mercedes-Benz 190SL was discovered by accident when Michael Potiker was walking around the neighborhood with his father. Behind the open garage door, just a bit of chrome was showing from under the tarp, which was enough to catch Michael's attention. He immediately liked the car and bought it with some effort and energy. Since then, the 190SL has turned into one of the of the most attractive classic convertibles.

14. 1957 Porsche 356 A 1500 GS Carrera Coupe

1957 Porsche 356 A 1500 GS Carrera Coupe
1957 Porsche 356 A 1500 GS Carrera Coupe

Porsche 356 A 1500 GS Carrera Coupe is the first car in the world to have 4 valves per cylinder. Since the sale, the said Porsche has been well taken care of, and it has also changed several owners. Then, in 70s found in the barn, after which they supposedly forgot. After the discovery, it was sent to auction and despite that it was not restored, managed to extract a substantial amount for him 506,000 US dollars.

15. 1958 Porsche 356 'Super' Speedster

1958 Porsche 356 'Super' Speedster
1958 Porsche 356 'Super' Speedster

Porsche Super Speedster was discovered after many years, when it had already been severely damaged by the ravages of time. Despite the poor condition, the buyer paid for it 307,500 US dollars. What is currently happening with the car, it is not known, but we can hope that the buyer will restore it down to the last detail, so that we can be a seductive classic again admired.

16. 1964 Porsche 901

1964 Porsche 901
1964 Porsche 901

We know the most iconic Porsche by name 911. Before that, a few prototypes carried the number 901, which was later changed due to a dispute with Peugeot. A 1964 Porsche 901 was thought to be lost, but then was found by chance. The Porsche Museum bought it for 119,984 US dollars and it to the point restored. The said Porsche presents the oldest car in the museum collection of the Porsche Museum.

17. 1967 Shelby 427 Cobra

1967 Shelby 427 Cobra
1967 Shelby 427 Cobra

Shelby Cobra we already mentioned it in the article, as it was discovered next to the Long Nose Ferrari. They did 60 copies car, and in the dusty garage he was waiting for better times 25 years. Despite its poor condition, they still managed to get high prices for it 1,045,000 US dollars.

18. Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe Prototype

Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe Prototype
Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe Prototype

Carroll Shelby was initially a test driver, and then tried his luck in a rivalry with Ferrari. Based on the AC Cobra, they produced Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe. They were merely made 6 specimens and only the original prototype was built on American soil. The car crashed 23 American and international records and reached top speed 299.2 km/h. After 30 years solitude, they rediscovered it, restored it, and put it on display in Simeone Automotive Museum in Philadelphia.

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