
Not everything is so dark: these unpleasant emotions show you that YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH

Not everything is so dark: these unpleasant emotions show you that YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH

Change is the only constant in life... and if we don't want it, we find ourselves in a vortex of discomfort because we fear the UNKNOWN. But this unpleasant, constricting feeling can be a sign that we are on the right path... and something better is waiting for us.

Even if they say that you shouldn't see life as a black and white picture, it is hard to deny the fact, that the latter really consists of dark ones and bright moments. And of course, people prefer the beautiful ones and wish there were as many of them as possible. On the other hand, bad life situations have become synonymous with evil, something that a person does not want in any way, and thinks that he does not deserve it.
He thinks it's nice to live carefree and harmonious, but precisely the unpleasant moments are the only real proof that you move forward and changes are happening in your life that you will be proud of one day. You might not, but they definitely will leave their mark on your life.

People fear negative things (emotions) because because we resist the unknown. The unknown appears in our lives because of changes, which are the only constant. It is often difficult let go of that, which is comfortable for us, but sooner or later life will confront us with the truth we tell ourselves discomfort – and we all too often associate it with an accident that it really has nothing to do with. Discomfort is just a sign that we are on the right track!

These unpleasant feelings are an indication that YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH:

Feeling like you're reliving childhood pain. You find that certain problems that you had in childhood keep coming back in your adulthood. And even if at first glance it seems that you have not overcome them, on the other hand, they can be an indication that you have begun to be aware of them, you feel them in a different way and you want to change them.

Feeling lost. We've all felt lost at some point, but that just means you're becoming more present in your life - aware of the moment and the truth, and slowly letting go of the ideals and stories you've made up in your head. Until you get used to it, it will feel like you're not on track, but YOU ARE.

Feeling irrational sadness and anger. The moment emotions come to the fore, you can recognize them and work through them. Find out why they are a part of your life right now. Your task is to learn to recognize them and be aware of them.

My life, my decisions.
My life, my decisions.

Feeling like you want to be alone. Man is a social creature who is made for a group, but every man also needs solitude. A moment to yourself. When you feel like disconnecting from the world, you are experiencing a form of catharsis at that moment. You feel like you are shedding all the burdens that society puts on you.
The same thing happens when you feel increasingly uncomfortable around negative people, even if they are your friends or family members. Negative people don't realize they are negative.

Feeling like you haven't achieved your dream. Like every person, you probably have your own dreams. And at some point you will feel as if they are not coming true. It's really just that you'll never become who you thought you would be (at least not as a person). Nobody becomes.

Realizing that YOU are responsible for your own happiness and life. This feeling is scary, but the sooner you face it, the better. Because that's the only way they'll realize that the burden is on your shoulders. On the other hand, you know you are free. Your life, your decisions.

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