
From farmer to architect: survey shows who has the most sex

A new survey by Lelo, a company known for making sexual accessories, reveals which professions are most involved in bed games. Is yours among them?

If you are repeatedly "in the dark", your profession may be to blame, well, at least according to the research. At the company Lelo UK they asked 2000 men and women about their sex life and about the profession they do. The results showed that farmers most often have sex (more than 33 %) who claim to have sex at least once a day. They are on their heels architects (21 % percent), they follow hairdressers (17 % claim to have sex once a day). The list of professions that most often find themselves between the sheets also includes employed persons in advertising, lawyers and teachers. Worst of all, they took her away journalists (um, that's awkward...), where one in five claims to have sex only once a month.

The most active among the sheets are farmers.
The most active among the sheets are farmers.

It seems that the farmers' daily sessions are not for nothing, as their skills are between the sheets for "amazing" rated as high as 67 %. There are also "supermen and superwomen". 63 % doctors, 43 % architects and 40 % journalists. Doctors are also those who prioritize quality over quantity, and 31 % said that in the grip of passion they "persist" for 45 minutes every other day.

The research also revealed that it is the hardest to please lawyers, 27 % admitted them that they scream orgasm every time they have sex. 31 % claimed that they can tell when their partner is having an orgasm. For comparison: 67% farmers claim that they have never had an orgasm.

The hardest part is supposed to be satisfying the lawyers.
The hardest part is supposed to be satisfying the lawyers.

Sexologist at Lela UK, Kate Moyle, she said during the survey: "Even in groups such as professions and there are many similarities, it must be taken into account that there is a greater amount of individual differences. What we can draw from this are, for example, trends. For example, the amount of physical activity in jobs such as farming, compared to the amount of someone sitting in an office, can affect the amount of energy and fitness. Flexibility, working hours and the environment also have an impact, not only on our lives, but also on our sexuality. If you are not satisfied with your sex life, if it is not enough or if you do not enjoy it as much as you would like, try to introduce something new into it."

Regardless of your profession, we sincerely hope that you are satisfied with your sex life. If you haven't, don't forget: the shoe doesn't come on without a fly, or in this case, without communication there will be no action!

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