
A Relationship That Destroys You: This is how you know you're in the WRONG relationship

A Relationship That Destroys You: This is how you know you're in the WRONG relationship

Every intimate relationship also has its difficult moments, and gaps between two people sometimes inevitably appear, bridges over which can only be built with perseverance and dedication. But this is not to be confused with a truly harmful relationship that destroys you. How do you know you're in the wrong relationship?

How do you know you're in the wrong relationship? An unequivocal answer to this question even science failed to find it, because relationships are not black and white, but as experts say, there are certain actions that could indicate that your the relationship is not working.
As they say, both should pay attention to three behaviors, which can be FATAL!

The relationship that's destroying you: This is how you know you're in the WRONG relationship:

1. If with a person they constantly get into the same arguments, which lead to vicious circles from which there is no way to get out, you/you probably it's tiring. Such a vicious circle can also be broken with help partner psychotherapy, which you might be able to try if you're both willing to work on your relationship.

Vicious cycles are difficult to break, but not impossible.
Vicious cycles are difficult to break, but not impossible.

2. The relationship he is in can also be a serious problem one of the partners ready to give up and adapt, another takes the relationship for granted. In such relationships, it often happens that the partner he sees no distress the one who works hard for a relationship, so he is not ready to talk and closes his eyes to his difficulties. A relationship that is so extremely unbalanced, is difficult to maintain in the long run.

3. There are more, of course a clear example of the wrong relationship also the relationship in which it occurs verbal or physical violence - this is not a question of interpretation, because such an attitude is destructive and necessary to terminate as soon as possible.

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